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it just goes on and on and on…..



I feel stuck in a time zone or a groundhog day zone….. dan is back to his depressed self… ignoring the world and laying mute, eyes closed… etc… the house feels like a funeral home… even with kids running and playing and laughter-- Dan can still just bring us all down…. Why can't anything just be good - or good enough, why must we in our family constantly deal with the depression… we have enough to do with the stroke, now the depression is around and just sucks the life right out of everyone… in light of robin williams depression and suicide - one does ask , if that man couldn't over come how does anyone? and i look at dan and i shoe my head and i just want to cry… not only for the loss of the man i love.. and yes i still love this dan but in a different way… but the loss of time we still continue to lose every single day, that this depression rules…. i am close to just banging my head on the wall and getting my own TBI -- grrr- i won't do it … to much to take care of…. as always - sarah pointed it out how we no more than sit down and something else you got to do happens...


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Hello  Nancy,  I  am sorry that Dan is back to his depressed self, and yes it does rob the joy  out of life.   To help me out of my depresion, was anti depression pills (sorry can not remember the name)and lots of prayers. I got myself  back to church,  watched Joyce Mayer, and having strokenet help a lot.  I feel so sad about Robin Williams but it show that having fame, and  money does not bring you happeness.


Nancy, you and Dan and your family will  be in my prayers. Keep on posting and venting get it off your chest.


Prayers and hugs comming your way



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Nancy :



I am so sorry that Dan is back into his depressed mood. I feel sometimes you need  finding something bigger than yourself to come out of your funk mood. for me it was our young son, I could not think of ruining his life because of my depression.  hope Dan sees how is depressed mood affects the people around him who love him. you & Dan will be in my prayers. Can Dan use this support group?



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Nancy, Dan is not doing this to annoy, he is doing it because he is caught up in something even he cannot understand. I don't know how much love it takes to overcome depression but I'm guessing that love doesn't affect it at all from my observation.  So you have to get used to it and live your life around it. And that includes making your own joy. I think the best thing about funeral homes is the smell of brewed coffee...lol.


I  haven't lived with depression as full on as Dan's so I can't give advice but here is another shoulder when you need it.



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he is certainly not himself --- and you are right -- no amount of anything right at this moment matters… all i can do is wait on the other side hoping he comes out of this depression - sooner rather than later would be awesome !!  and i try to live my life around it as much as possible , but i am constantly wondering, calling, checking..hoping , worrying … he has been pretty good about tKING HIS PILLS INCLUDING THE ANTIDEPRESSENT -- oops hit the caps button lol…. but the pills just are not doing the job -- or he is just grappling with something….i just don't know --- and that is the worst of it -- depression just sucks -- the air , the life and fun out of my/ our world… 

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I heard today that Robin Williams just found out he had Parkinsons (his wife said so) so that might make things more understandable.  Anyway, I went through this with Ray BEFORE the stroke, and paid my dues, it's always something with him.  Checked him into the psych ward for a week or two at one point, and they triaged the meds to get him back to earth.  Both at once can be a deal breaker, neither one is comprehensible to the average person.

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My mom is going through the depression. The "wish I was dead", "what do I have to live for." ect. She can no longer do any of the things that she enjoyed. Can't get on the computer, work her Kindle, even her shaky hands makes us keep her away from cooking. Every day it's up and to the kitchen for coffee and food and back to bed. 


I am learning, however, to really, really pay attention to "depression" vs. "agitated."  When I start seeing signs of agitation, I can almost foresee a hospital stay in the near future.  Since her stroke her body does not send the same signals when she is not feeling well, and this is one of my only clues.

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If Dan would just get up that would be great -- when he gets like this he won't get up for days at a time… today is day 3 of no eating…. and i just have no clue what to do nor ,just as in the past…. so i worry and eat… just so sick of it all….

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You're at a point of no return.... remember the saying, just jump and let whatever will be,be. (I got it all wrong but you know what I mean).

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