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Happy... for the moment



My strokes have made me one emotional girl. I am flying high one minute but fighting tears the next. Then there is me getting angry or frustrated at the drop of a hat. Being home with my parents for Thanksgiving has been great. It's always great to be home with family. It gives me a chance to escape everything thats going on. This year my high school went to the state championship in football. Even though we lost it was great seeing old classmates. For the state college rivalry game my team won after six long years. But why am I on the verge of tears? These are not happy tears but oh my God I had a stroke. Where did that emotion just come from? Since my first stroke I have of course been sad or depressed. After the second one it just became worst. I just wanted to hide. But how can you hide drom your own body?

I am working on getting my mental health together but it's so hard. I have always been a happy positive person and will always try to be that. But man it's so hard. It's also harder not having the support you need. For me I have been the support system for people around me. Now that I need it I don't have it or at least as much as I should. People try but it's hard when someone says I am there for you but then they disappear.

I am still happy for the moment but don't like it when my emotions change so quickly. Grateful to be alive and blessed to have great family support. But living away from them is hard. Hoping for better support and not getting it is hard as well. I will continue to get up each day and push forward but looking forward to when it gets much easier.

This is my first blog ever and hope I wasn't all over the place. But it feels good being here and letting it out.


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Thank you for writing this blog, It will help us here in the Blog community to get to know you better and to be more supportive.  Yes, the strong are never helped by those they helped, it  is a fact of life.  And you will find some unexpected friends and allies on the stroke journey. Support in where you find it,  say thanks and act grateful is all you can do.


Better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all. It's an old saying that just means - count your blessings.

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Hey punch

Welcome to best online stroke support group and our wonderful blog community. I am sorry you had need to find us but now you found us you will never feel alone again. I stroked at age 34 which left me paralyzed on my left side and retired me from the job I loved. I never thought I would find joy in living again but I did. I found blogging and chatting with other survivors very therapeutic for my soul. Hope to see you around often



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Hi Punch, there are lots of ups and downs. My downs usually hit me out of the blue. One minute i am fine and the next i am in tears. I always say that reality just slapped me in the face. But whether you have ups or downs you have to hang in there. You have to keep searching for the ups and find ways to bring them to you. Whatever little things bring a smile to your face do them. Create them. If it's a cup of coffee on the back porch , a short ride in the car, ask for it. I really feel we need balance in our lives. The more downs we have then the more ups we need to balance them out. Pamper yourself. There will be friends or family that can't handle it . So be it. . Don't take it personally. It is not you, it is just their own insecurities. Glad you shared with us. It helps the rest of us and it helps you. You are not alone and we are a very understanding group. We've been there you can say whatever you feel. Many hugs to you.

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Hello Punch, ye it is hard when you have given o much of yourself, and now you can not get it back from the people that you though would be there. It is life Punch and like Sue said, you will get it back for People that you never thought would. Keep on thinking positive , keep on blogging, and welcome to a wonderful group of people , who never judge and know what you are  going through.  I was so lonely, till I found stroke net. It helps to know that  you are not the only one going  crying or shouting at a drop of a hat. This too will past.  I put my pride behind me, and my daughter took me to the doctor, and gave me pills, which helped a lot, I was only on them for six months I think!   My memory is a mess, but I am here and everyday I say thank you.


Send with a lot of hugs



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Thanks everyone.  It is so helpful being around other people who know what you are going through and not look at you like you are crazy. 

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