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Six Months Later...



April 11 made six months since I had my last stroke. I cried so much just thinking about last year. I haven't cried like that since I was in the hospital. I thought I had healed some mentally but nope. The wounds of last year are still fresh. My ex told me I am still recovering. Only decent thing they have said to me. I have been in denial about my own recovery. I thought I was at least ok. I am not ok. I just buried my feelings more. I'm hurt like I was six months ago.

Maybe this wouldn't be so hard if they could tell me why I had the strokes. Or maybe semi admit that Invokana did it. The loop recorder that monitors my heart hasn't revealed anything. I am on a blood thinner and my levels have always been low. I have been thinking about seeing the first doctor from my first hospital visit to see what he might say. But all I want is for this to be over. I want peace. But this is nothing you easily get over. Especially since my left arm tingles all the time. The tingling is my body remembering I have a left arm. I am happy my left side recognition is much better. I was so happy the day I felt that tingle and putting my left arm behind me didn't feel strange.

I do wish I had a stronger support group around me. After two strokes I am still supporting others. I told my friend I am tired of being everyone's rock. I need some more rocks around me.


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Robin you have found yourself a rockery.  We are all different shapes and sizes, a little weather-beaten in some cases, but rocks none the less.


Sue from Down Under

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hi robin :


welcome to best online stroke support group first few years are hardest of all to get used to the new normal & all the changes, but we oldies r here to tell you it does get easier as we make best lemonade possible from our lemons



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We are all rocks right here with you healing from the stroke (s) on a daily bases... Think of us as with you daily trying to heal from stroke or in many cases strokes but your rock in times of need on this earth....


I feel we are your support group on a world wide basis with more stroke survivors joining our group daily.... We are here for you 24/7 in support role....

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Hi Robin, we are here for you," just call and we be your friends." That what we do, give suppost, listen, and be a rock. Feel free to let us know when

you are down, or just want to talk. We are here 24/7.


Love and Hugs Yvonne

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