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a great past few days wow



for the past few days including today its like i've got a energy boost

i just feel fatastic i have cut back on some of my seizure meds

hmmmmmmmmm makes me wonder i was on 2500 mgs per day i cut it down to 100 mgs per day now i really notice a difference im tryin to cut them out totaly

thats my goal insight my baby andrea < aka breezie> has noticed a big change as well she really likes the part bout me cleaning the kitchen and cooking more suprising her with lunch or dinner waking her up from a nap with it done sitting in front of her i think its a combination of the meds and wanting to do more

for the new found love i now have in my life

baby when ad if u read this i love you

well peace n luv im off to kitchen to surprise her before i wake her biggrin.gifbiggrin.gif


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