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Here at last in Tennessee



Sorry for the long gap in postings, life has been busy to say the least. The saying goes that old age is not for sissies. I can now say that moving across country is not for sissies either. As previously posted we were planning to move from MN to TN. The move is now done, new to us house and all furniture shipped and accounted for.


Nearly finished with the endless address changes, insurances, vehicle registrations, etc, etc. The new house is fine but as expected some changes needed to make it ours. The neighborhood is fine and friendly. weather is much nicer than Northern MN. Still settling in though, not knowing anybody or having local friends is a challenge.


Unfortunately the biggest issue has been medical for me. I picked up an intestinal bug over a month ago and while now some better, still not right. diarrhea 24/7, some nausea, etc. The local VA is swamped and while my provider is great and has done his best, the system is so busy he cannot get me what he really wants tested quickly. So, Monday (tomorrow) I am calling a local civilian provider and will use the Medicare system. I am just plain sick and tired of being sick and tired.


We are supposed to go back to MN in June for a few weeks to pick up some stuff and see old friends. Not yet sure how that will work out


Good news though, our son, Stefan, from New Zealand plans to visit us in September for awhile. Mum turns 93 this year in the fall, and Lesley plans a visit to NZ to see her then.


Wish I could make this post happier, but sometime things are a a problem.


Ny coffee cup is empty and you all know what that means


Recommended Comments

Hang in there. Relocations can be a pain but more often than not they work out. The newness is the biggest problem and it vanishes with time. Literally. And, hey, Tennessee isn't exactly "across the country" from MN. It's only halfway, at most. One time zone at most.. And in Tennessee you won't have a state income tax. Also you'll have some beautiful mountains in the east and some Deep South living in the west with a touch of Opryland in between. Not so bad, huh? Everything but the ocean. As for medical care, Medicare is actually a fine system. We have the regular government-run kind plus a Plan F supplement so we pay no deductibles, no co-pays no nothing other than premiums. This has come in handy in the months since my wife's stroke. We feel very fortunate to have such superb insurance. We have yet to find a doc who doesn't take Medicare patients. VA medical care is good assuming you can get it before you bleed out. Hopefully the problems will soon be fixed.

Enjoy life in the Vounteer State. You could have done worse.

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I hope things will settle down for you and the work starts to get things the way you want them to be... Didn't you have a motor home too????

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Thanks for the comments. Ron, sounds like you might be in TN. Maybe we can touch base sometime. We are in Erwin, 20 miles south of Johnson City surrounded by mountains. Beautiful indeed. Things do seem to be improving, today I am mostly back to normal and the VA has given me the choice of finding what I need and they will pay for it. Just had a bad day when I wrote to blog.


Fred, yes we do have a motorhome and look to be using it much more now that we are far enough South to do so. Thanks both.

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George, glad you are finally back with us.  Was beginning to wonder if life was so full you didn't have time to post a blog.  (((hugs))) to Lesley too, hope she can still bake you that special bread she made in the Mountain country.  Visitors from New Zealand?  that is a bonus and you will find the house full of laughter.  Have a quiet coffee for me.

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Been reading your profile. What is meant by       'erector sets'      in your list of activities?

Would really like to know


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Been reading your profile. What is meant by       'erector sets'      in your list of activities?

Would really like to know


Go to Ebay and search,  or ACGHS.org which is the Erector society for all things with Erector sets and everything else A.C. Gilbert invented and manufactured. Basically they are construction toys using metal parts

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