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New friend



Yesterday while doing my volunteer work at the hospital. I introduced myself as a patient in bassador once I explain the role I asked permission to jot notes of anything individual might say because my memory is so bad since my stroke 19 months ago she said of course so you had a stroke 19 months ago I had a stroke 18 years ago

wow did that open the floodgates of discussion

I had to say to her looking at you even though you're in the hospital for other reasons she is offering me hope and inspiration of my future

she thanked me for the volunteer work I'm doing working with stroke survivors because she knows the importance of imaking those connections and she said to me e it's so nice to talk to somebody who gets it

I again asked for permission to stop in and check on her during the week because that's what I do and she said I would love to see you it's so nice to talk to somebody who understands

my next step will be to invite her to participate in our face-to-face support group and I will try to ascertain her computer skills and see if she's interested in this website

what an amazing day it was yesterday to make that connection what an amazing person of course aren't we all amazing people all the Survivors


we also talked about appreciating life so much more post stroke and her comment which I really appreciate it was it's like the veil has been removed and the clarity of vision of the world around us is so crystallized

Peace love and prayers to all

Keep hope alive



Recommended Comments

jay :


I am so encouraged & happy to read your blog. Some days I am thankful for stroke it made my life so much more meaningful  than it was ever before. post stroke those ordinary things like cooking cleaning has more profound meaning. who would have thought I would look forward to getting up so early to make breakfast for our family lol. thank god for this profound second shot at life



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Asha I am humbled that my words ramdling at times brings you happiness

You kind words bring me such joy

My goal is to offer hope encouragement and happiness I want to make the world a better place one person at a time


Thank you thank you thank you for all your comment and encouragement

My day was made with your comment



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