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I had a most vivid dream that I was running with family and then I was in a shop walking around and I bought a teal teddy bear.

It was so real.

I woke confused a moment.

Does anyone dream like I do?


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I often dream about doing the things I once loved but can no longer do... like walking on a sandy shore and holding and playing with babies. I always have a happy feeling when I first awaken from these dreams and then reality hits me and I'm ruined for the rest of the day...I suppose it's good that my dreams are positive, to counteract my negative awake thoughts; maybe it's the brain's way of helping us survive?

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I make an effort every night to think about something positive and beautiful before i fall asleep and it often will wind its way onto my dreamstate. I do have dreams though where i am trying to do something i used to be able to do and it is very frustrating. I think you need to ask for a teal teddy bear for Christmas. teal would be a tough color to find i think.

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Lady Rose I am sorry it ruins your day,honestly I am haunted with longings all day too.

I am constantly torn between hope and acceptance.

Yes I think happy memories help us survive and maybe happy dreams are necessary for something I do not comprehend yet.

I believe I am right in the place I am meant for,even if I do not like it. That helps me get through.

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I will try and take your suggestion to think positive thoughts. Worry is my default state.

Teal is my favorite color. Yes perhaps I need a bear to cuddle with and nurture my inner child.


There is a woman on the ward here who holds a baby doll all day. She coos and smiles at it lost in her own world, calling out the names of her children long grown. I sometimes envy her happiness living in a happy time in her mind. At what price. She is 103 they tell me.


I guess we get to visit in our dreams. But for me I am sad when I wake.

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