And Time Continues To Go By As We Recover More And More!!!!!
It appears to me sometimes that time continues to go by as we recover a bit more from the stroke or strokes in some cases.... It's just when you get many years in waiting to get better from the stroke and you realize you are still in a paralyzed state on one side and limited in what you can do or get done on your own that you know things are just about the same as it was years ago when the stroke first came into your life....
The difference is now you know there is life after stroke and you are living it at a much slower pace than when you first started out after the stroke.... Either way you now know you are a survivor and can be happy living life day by day year after year as you grow older and wiser in life.... In my case there isn't much I can't do on my own it just takes more time using one hand and your teeth on some occasions to get things open....
Life goes on day after day, week after week and of course year after year until we just don't think of it very much in terms of what we physically can not accomplish.... I have never been sad or discouraged in what happened to me in terms of having a stroke and I still look back on operating my own business inside a bowling center as I could have been robbed one night upon leaving the building and even killed the way businesses are being robbed these days.....
I always say God knows best so what happened to me with having a stroke may have saved my life many times over like I said I'm a survivor for sure.... Strokes happen about like wrecks on the highways these days and you never know if you will be involved in one no matter the weather conditions..... Life is good and no one knows what's in store for any of us these days as we can only live one day at a time....
Happy times to all of you here at Strokenet and may the Lord bless and keep you always..... :roflmao: I'm kicking just not very high at my age... More next time....
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