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another anniversary



another anniversary.... # 5 ..... Dan is still Dan,.... He is a character.. The nursing home is his new manipulation place. They are still surprised by his things he pulls..... He has his favorite staff. and his non favorites.... there is a non favorite, who has learned Dan is to be feared. Dan got out of his bed into his chair and went after the aid..... apparently this aid had been banned from his room prior by his employer son not much sympathy was given to the employee.... I stayed out of all of it..... but I think the person might have been terminated.... My life is stays quo -- depressed manic the whole funnigans of doing to much. I still am seeing the guy, but with all the stress of Dan I doubt it will last. Hey it is what it is.....Life..


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Yes, life throws you some curves.  Just keep going Nancy, you have to build a new life but it has to dovetail in with the old.  I am  surprised by the fun times in life sometimes and I hope you are too. I'm glad you can laugh at what Dan does in his efforts to control his life, it is funnier when seen at a distance and happening to someone else.

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Hi Nancy,  good to hear from you. So Dan is still Dan.  At least it is not all on your shoulder. Keep your head up Nancy, you can do it yes you can.. 


I keep you in my Paryers also praying for Dan


Hugs Yvonne

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