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An amazing blessing in the cleaning supply aisle at the grocery store



Wandering through the store today doing my best to not have a cart crash I saw one of my old theater Buddies we've been on stage together many times we've worked together back stage many times she saw me and I could see your eyes tearing up and she said oh my God I can't believe it's you I can't believe you're walking around I'm sure you don't remember but I saw you when you were in ICU and we didn't think you were going to make it and to see you out and about is just such an incredible blessing she said you really are walking proof of the power of Prayer I was so humbled by your comments of course we hugged and didn't want to let go I told her that I was going to be in the upcoming production and my rationale dedicating my performance to the theater family that was so supportive of my family when I was in the hospital and she loved it she said that is going to be so cool for all of us to see you up there and I said it's just another step on my new new normal my journey we went our separate ways and I was outside waiting for the bus and she pulled up and said I can give you a ride home hop in she saved me a good hour on the bus but most importantly was spending time with an old friend it was her and her husband that were asked to leave the ICU because her husband making comments that cause my blood pressure to go up so I must have been in there somewhere what an absolute blessing to see this friend of mine and hear from her how bad it was when I was in ICU my family hasn't talked to me about it I understand it's too hurtful we need to cherish our friends while we have them much like I cherish all of you you have been such an important part of my recovery I love you guys all so much thank you.



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