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A Reply To Friend




I do not have any scars that someone can See source of pain. My leg even walks. I get around with a walker so no one sees my visual problems. Not a soul really knows how I now experience the world and exist in it now. The one person who has a clue is my vestibular physical therapist. She gets it about the pain getting in the way. Ok and the doc doing radiofrequency stuff gets it about the mechanism of stroke pain and that it is physical and not psychological.

If you read my blogs I go on and on about docs that do not know CPS,med folks who never heard of it. We could use a movie to get the word out.


Thanks to Steve,we have a place to talk with others going through their own experiences.


So Yes Scott pain is a four letter word,use sparingly with caution. No other word in medicine is spring loaded as this one. Pain is a construct Built in the clouds and who can define or measure it?

For a while we are labeled drug seeking and finally labeled attention seeking or just plain crazy.

And puleeze Who would be State Disability seeking?


Ok so there is all that.

But I Refuse To Be Silenced.

I shrug,shake My head and correctly shift it on them. They are Do Nothing Seeking. They are Misinformed. Above all: The greatest barrier to bias and prejudice...they lack compassion. Can that be trained or is it a character flaw. In any case, those suffering that could be contagious,confused,And Probably not cured.

And the treatment is Doctor Shopping. The quest is to find a medical doctor with an ability to read A Journal Article.

There is no reason to be stupid when they have a computer handy with subscriptions to Research Journal Articles.


My requirement is that docs be intelligent because I believe that is the vaccine for lack of compassion.


Scott you are not alone in this wild wild west, plus you are intelligent and compassionate. Be assured, You Are Ok,Reasonable,and Resilient. Never be Silenced in fear of the dreaded lack of compassion. Our Voice of Experience is our Only Weapon for Change. Fight on Brave Warrior.


Recommended Comments

keep on pam! your message has got out to me well. and to others who will listen or read. you are telling us what the inside looking out sees and this is rare insight.  do I repeat? yes! keep on pam!


kind regards


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Pam you have a voice and you are using it, you have experience and are telling others about it.  One person at a time, that is how things change.  Keep on with your campaign.



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Nicely said Pam, stroke survival us a silent disabilitywe must use our voice a d deeds to pri e all over gain we are I telkigwnt compassuo ate Humn Beings


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