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Just the two of us....



Lesley and I are realizing it is just the two of us in the end. I have no family to speak of. She is learning that her family is changing and our lives are changing so there is a divergence of wishes, thoughts, and goals. Her mum is soon 94 and her life revolves around the day she finds her self in. Her health is deteriorating some but she is still amazing. Living on her own but no longer driving. A great spirit still wells up and out of her. Our son just finished 6 months here in the States traveling with a friend also from New Zealand. Together they bought a old van and traveled from here in TN to FL and eventually all the way to Los Angles where his friend flew back to NZ and he drove back here to TN. Along the way they sang and played music, made friends, and had the time of their lives at open mike nights. The two grand daughters are both cutting their own path. One is currently in the UK and one still in NZ but living with a friend far from Auckland. The son is now back in NZ and has resumed work and has a new girlfriend.


So, Lesley and I are here really loving Tennessee. We did trade motor homes. The one we had proved too small for the type of camping we now do here. So we bought a 34' model and love it. We also tow a small car behind it for local transport. It has enough room for both of us to take our hobbies along. Lesley her sewing machine and quilting stuff and me my Erector sets.


I did luck out and find a new fishing buddy a few days ago. We have much in common and both like to fish out of a canoe rather than a boat. I had to hurry up and get my fishing license and tackle ready.


My health is better than it has been in a year. The colitis has been conquered. Three doc's all said no cure and diet does not matter it won't help. I am here to tell you it does. All my stomach and intestine issues are gone. Lesley as well has noticed she feels better and we both have lost about 10lb without trying.


Stroke related issues are about the same, balance is not what it used to be, some leg twitching, a few voice issues, etc, etc, but all in all very good.


The bottom line of all of this is that Lesley and I have realized life is short, I have had two shots across the bow so to speak health wise with the stroke and colitis, and Lesley has had pancreatis in the past year and a cyst in her chest removed that was not malignant but scary none the less. So if you see a 34' Itasca motor home with Tennessee plates coming at you wave. We are moving on!


So, that is it for now, life is good when you have a great partner to share it with!


Cya later


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George, you and Lesley are lucky to have each other.  I love your blogs and love your philosophy.  Yes, there are others in your life but they do not play a significant role most of the time and so the two of you live your own combined life and make your own decisions.  Long may it last.



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George, the thing is in life is "You are happy doing what you enjoy and being with a great partner" I now understand that with the wife I got now, man am I a happy camper!!!


My RV was 31 foot and we enjoyed it, I lived in it for months until we got an apartment then I sold it.... My balance is OK but my walking is not good as my left side is still paralyzed head to toe..... But I'm alive and well....


I'm happy for both of you as you deal with life which like you say ...is not forever for anyone....


Lesley's mom is 94, man I can't imagine reaching that number as I'm 74 now and 75 in two more months with one hand I can use.... Take care my friend!!!!!

Fred King

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George :


love reading your blogs & updates. I am so happy you got great partner to enjoy & live your life the way you guys want.



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Great blog. Wish you both, good health, happyness, and safe travel.  Life is too short, the Kids are doing their own thing, so go  for it.





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