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One more battle....



As I mentioned before I now have Colitis. The good news is that it is gone thru a diet our son found for me. As all things in life can be, it was a struggle, but Lesley and I have overcome it. My gut is now better than it has been in my adult life. I used to always have a Tums or Rolaid in my pocket, now we don't even have them in the house. We have both dropped 15 lb or so without even trying. The thought of selling the motorhome because I would no longer be able to use it has passed, and as I previously mentioned we now have a newer, bigger one and will put it on the road later this fall. I am reminded that when I stroked I was told that I may never carry my canoe again. Longtime readers will remember pics of me carrying it six months later. Three doc's told me this past year there is no cure for colitis, diet does not matter, and it can come back anytime. Well after going on this diet I have gone from a "flare" every two weeks to none in the past year. The point is we all are responsible to do the best we can and never give up!


Lesley is busy feathering her new nest inside the motorhome and I am busy doing the "man" things outside it. Our travel plans look like Jacksonville, FL over the holidays in Dec and then on to Pensacola for January, then I think TX coast for most of Feb, then back to TN I think.


We are now using the Alfa Romeo sports car I mentioned some time ago much more than we used to. I had put it up for sale since we did not seem to be using it much and Lesley threw a hissy fit. Seems like she enjoyed it as well as me. Awhile back we did a road here in TN called "The tail of the dragon". It has 318 curves in 11 miles and crosses the Western edge of Great Smoky Mountain National Park. What a blast! When I drive it I cannot wear my foot brace on the left leg because I cannot shift the clutch then. But it is worth it anyway. A quick Italian meal in the mountains of NC after the drive and a great day was complete.


For long time readers that might remember my blog about that darn comet dust, well it seems the young people have not solved the problem, every year when we go thru the cloud I notice a few more aches, pains and new members to my "family" of conditions and ailments.


Anyway, note that I woke up this morning and the sun rose in the East. It could be worse!


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George glad you and Lesley are making the most of your retirement and good news about the diet controlling the colitis.  I have an allergy to palm oil and coconut and I am lactose intolerance and mostly I manage it well.  It is a matter of self discipline and managing to ignore foods I know I cannot have.  Will look into the Colitis Diet and see how different it is from what I am doing now.


Great news about the new motor home and using the Alfa Romeo more, it is a great little car my son's in-laws used to have one.  You sound like you are mastering the art of growing old disgracefully. Good for you.

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You just having too much fun! Good for you. I haded a Alfa Romeo in England, loved it.


Please you got colitis under control , good for you, great job. 


I know you are going to have a wonderful Summer, and Winter, good for you both.



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George we all must go through some things in this life as some things we can cure some not so much but we will be here until we are called home no matter what....


Take care my friend..... 

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