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Update on My Brother



This past Friday my brother was breathing on his own and off the ventilator. They kept a tube in his throat in case he would need it again . When it seemed he was doing better he started having high temperatures. He has an infection.I talked to my mom about hospice/pallative care for him after I talked to his nurse. I felt so bad suggesting it but it helped when the doctor and case manager spoke to my mom. I didn't want them to talk to her first. My brother is back on the ventilator and I will be going home. I don't want to say I am going home to say goodbye. I am going home to support my parents and my brother. Who knows what will happen or for how long he will stay alive. I just don't want him to be in pain or suffer any more. When I talk to his case manager I can better help my parents in what to do next. I was hoping we could bring him home to South Carolina so other family can see him. But he is too weak.

It's been ten years since he had his first stroke. He had suffered so much before he went to a facility. He had a few more TIA's but he is tough. So I won't think of this as a goodbye but letting my brother know it's ok to be free.


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Punch, you are needed at home.  The support you can give to your parents will be just what they need. You show so much love and compassion for your brother that I am sure he will benefit just by you being there.  Stay as long as you are needed, I am sure those you leave behind will be okay and if not they are not your first priority at this time. (((hugs)))

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It's good to hear he is doing better cause we never know what is ahead of us health wise.... We all shall overcome in due time in my opinion as with my own situation....

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Punch, you and your family are in my Prayers. Thankful that you are able to go home, you are needed by your Parents. That is what family do, come together.


God bless



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