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i knew I wasn't crazy



So I have to share my news.. ( maybe for the first or second time lol)


While I was writing my blog about memory issues since my stroke and I wanted to write the proper name of my stroke. It was twofold; not only the risk of clot traveling to my brain from vertebral artery but the actual stroke which occurred from a clot that went in my posterior circular system that includes Basilar artery and carotid arteries. I was always focused on my vertebral stroke and not so much of posterior effects and one was memory. I was actually very giddy because all the emotions I have been having problems with my memories .


Then I read this :: Memory impairment

Infarction of the medial temporal lobe, fornices, or medial thalamic nuclei may result in permanent anterograde amnesia. Although traditionally, bilateral infarction has been thought to be required for amnesia, memory functions may be lateralized such that infarction of left-sided structures may have a more lasting impact on verbal function. from http://emedicine.medscape.com/article/2128100-overview#a and I finally feel understood. A weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I've been racking my brain about memories and I can't help but get upset because I can't keep new memories. I always thought my ex husband was always suspected me of making up my memory was lost but now I wanted him to hear that I really can't help it. I truly feel like a million years of stress has been lifted and a mental note for him not to get upset when I ask the same questions.


I just wanted to cheer for I feel relieved that I'm not mad.


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No my dear you are not mad.  One of my nephews had a TBI from a bike accident and he tells people he has a cracked brain.  He is a delight to be around and a blessing to those who know him.  So are you so keep positive and live your life joyfully.

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Isn't that "Ah ha.....toleya'll" moments the most healing.


Why can't we just get the information from medical staff and not wander down corridors and through hidden doors in the matrix of the web ?


I admire your tenacity!


Hey it never hurts to keep em guessing Keli!


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