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Losing beautiful souls




I was very fortunate to have my grandparents in my life for 42 years, yet sadly I’m not aware of most of those years. This weekend, my family gathered at the family plot which my grandparents had their headstone and plot already there for many years, for a service to lay them to rest together. My grandmother was in one of her Beatrix Potter figurines while my grandfather was in a lovely urn. From what my family shares, it was lovely. I wasn’t there until they were leaving for I was to pick up my sister, who came from North Carolina, from the hotel she was at near where we had to go. Sadly, we can’t control life. We all we at its mercy. My sister and her family were stuck longer in Delaware waiting for the ferry to take them to NJ and after I picked her up a slow truck and traffic from all the folks coming from places far away from the Jersey Shore* traveling down a two lane road to the beaches. Some of those roads we had to travel. Good thing, my parents and aunts and uncles were able to be at the service for it was their parents. I guess we were all at peace with their passing. My grandmother passed a few years ago while my grandfather passed this past May. They lived well into their 90’s and raised four children, both received their doctorate in their respected fields, traveled the globe and golfers till the end. I’m gladder they were buried together and in warm ground, as my grandmother stated that she



Well it was a hot.


The grandparents I met seven years ago, I thoroughly enjoyed being with but I know that it wasn’t going to be long before they were too old to be the grandparents I would’ve loved to have known again. Talking with my sister, she is able to give detail and warm memories of their time with us. I’m just glad to have had the chance to know them at all. My father said it was a good thing we weren’t there because, me more so, I cry at the littlest thing and I might have really lost my head and I respect that might be hard for the rest of my family. I can always go to their grave site and talk to them anytime. .. And I will. No sad tears, no sorrow.. just happiness they are together again...forever


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That was some experience and in a way I am sad you missed out on it. Sending you warm (((hugs))) Kelli, I, like you, get emotional sometimes but hey! that is what makes us warm and loving human beings.  Bless you.

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All the best to you Kelli one day we all must go this way and since my birthday on 22 July turning 75 years old I figure there is not a lot of time I got left in this old body that is handicapped on one side as my memory is fading fast..... Not many in my family got this far in their lives except my mom she made it to 83 bless her soul........ My dad was in his early seventies and I was just 14 at the time.....

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All the best to you Kelli one day we all must go this way and since my birthday on 22 July turning 75 years old I figure there is not a lot of time I got left in this old body that is handicapped on one side as my memory is fading fast..... Not many in my family got this far in their lives except my mom she made it to 83 bless her soul........ My dad was in his early seventies and I was just 14 at the time.....

I know you will live for a long time :) 

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That was some experience and in a way I am sad you missed out on it. Sending you warm (((hugs))) Kelli, I, like you, get emotional sometimes but hey! that is what makes us warm and loving human beings.  Bless you.

Many thanks Sue. You are the strongest and selfless person I know and I have learned many things from you. Your hug was what I needed :)

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Kelli, your story is beautiful and touching....hugs from me too!  By the way, I agree 100% with Sue being so strong and selfless, but do you realize that you also have these qualities in abundance? Lin

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Kelli, your story is beautiful and touching....hugs from me too!  By the way, I agree 100% with Sue being so strong and selfless, but do you realize that you also have these qualities in abundance? Lin

i can't say how happy to see you back. I thank you for the words however I see we all have these qualities and radiate off of each otherxxooxx

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I so enjoy this story. they sounded like great people, warm, loving, and know how to enjoy life. You can go visit them, talk with them, laugh, cry, and feel has one with them. I did not know my grandparents, my fathers Parent die when he was only 14yrs. my mom lost her father when she was young, and when we travel to Jamacia, Grandma was blind, so she could not see us, but she touched, and that felt good. 



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Great story! I'm sorry for your loss. They are in a better place, and, like you said, together forever!


ps  Happy belated birthday fking! I'm with Kelli; you're going to live a long time! ;)

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