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Another Week Started And It's OCTOBER Already!!!!



We all suffer all week long from our pains and I have made it to 75 years of age after surviving the stroke at age 62 back in 2004 which was a lot for me to experience at that time..... I knew nothing about strokes at that time and far as I know I am the only one in my family to ever have one...... My saying is a stroke is no joke and it can take you out this life..... Surviving a stroke takes a lot out of you daily and mostly makes you very tired.....


Initially you need so much help in learning what and how to do things after you come home from the hospital stay..... Years later you can get around better on your own for the most part.... In my case I use a scooter when I go out that I haul around in my SUV because I could never do that much walking with my cane I am just too slow.....


I'm so glad I can drive that means I can do things, go places, don't need my wife to stop work to go with me like going to the VA for my appointments all next week, a 30 mile trip I can do all by myself.... So I have come a long way in my recovery process but still got a long way to go in overcoming my stroke....


I keep praying my body will hold up and my abilities will carry me for a while longer..... I know one day my age will be a factor in what I am able to do myself if I keep living..... All my doctors feel I will be around for some time to come but in my opinion only God knows for sure and He hasn't told me nothing yet.... I'm just glad to have lived these 75 years already so I'm OK with that after 22 years of military service, the Vietnam war, getting shot up and still lived when we lost five men at that time..... I'm not complaining at all after 12 years and this stroke.....


So my license plates say Disabled Veteran with a wheelchair on it where I can park closer to most buildings I need to go in the ladies will usually help me with my scooter getting it out my vehicle if they notice me struggling to get the seat on it so I can get on it..... The men will ask if I need any help as some of them are not walking that good either.....


So I can't complain about the stroke holding me back from doing anything at all.....


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Fred, my dear friend, age is simply a number....75 today, 75 + 1 day tomorrow, whatever....


You strike me as a person who has no regrets (because of your happiness); and I believe that will give you a lot more years to live.  Not so for people that are unhappy!


So I look forward to continue reading your posts for another 10 to 20 years!!!

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Wow, thanks for the kind words and thoughts however in real life God knows our days and years ahead and none of us will stay past our set times on this earth in my opinion....... You said it, when you are happy and life is great or compared to past lives and what has happened to you  or not happened  I can keep a smile on my face.....


I could, should have been gone back in Vietnam when we lost five members of our team so I suppose my time wasn't up and that alone makes me feel now my time is getting really close to ending..... However I have enjoyed a wonderful life to this point whatever happens next I will be ready.....


All the best to you Linnie in your recovery process....

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