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ripping joy of life when I m stepping out of my comfort zone



Twelve years ago in 2004 when I suffered stroke at age of 34 after delivering premature baby & loosing her day later & then suffering stroke day later which paralyzed on my left side fully. I thought I would never find joy in living again. It felt like with such a big loss how any one can recover from that. Though being young & having great family support & very young son I found my will to fight on, it was really one day at a time. It was horrible period, It scared me when I looked too far in future, & depressed me when I looked back at things I lost, but I m so glad I persisted. perseverance paid off. Now that our son gone off to college I decided to step out of my comfort zone with hubby's gental guidance. & I never knew I was missing out on so much happiness when I didn't challenge myself. I never realized when I tried this new adventure that I can have so much more from life. I again feel so grateful to be around my family & this stroke which made me much wiser & appreciative of my ordinary blessings in life.


Asha ( thankful for still here)


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That was quite moving. We all need to be reminded and remember what we have now, not what might have been. Family and friends can be partners with us as we move forward.

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I must say you had a big heart and will power to make it through what you did, God guided you all the way and is still there with you and your wonderful family...... God knows all of our needs and He will supply us as I truly believe that is why I am still here and survived the stroke the same year as you did in 2004 not knowing anything about strokes and I'm still here doing pretty good I think.....

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Asha, that was so good. it is great, when we step out of our comfort zone. You also have faith , which you know keeps you on track.  Also having your family  has a cheeking   team,  keeps you trucking.  Looking at where you were after a Stroke, and where you are now is  a blessings.  


Keep on stepping .



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Roar on Asha!!

Your turn now. Get hubby doing new adventure!!

Pam :


being with me on this life's journey is a new adventure every day :)



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