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feel so blessed



Some days I feel so blessed & now that I have come so far out from my stroke event. I can see God's master stroke in my life. Today I feel even stroke was at perfect time in my life, it was at the time when I was forgetting my values  & moving away from my designated path. With God's master stroke I woke up from my sleepwalking through life & started enjoying ordinary moments of life which brings in lasting  & deep happiness.  Its still so hard to believe even after so much of mess I m still so lucky in getting this beautiful second shot at life.  I am so happy I preserve & didn't give up to see this ray of sunshine.  love my family & friends who chose to come in my life even after disaster, instead of disappearing like lot of others. So today life is great & best is yet to come







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Sarah and I met in Hawaii and she commented that but for the fact that our husbands had strokes and we both found Strokenet that we would never have met.  It does make you think doesn't it? I am so glad we met via the Blog Community Asha and have shared a part of our journey too.

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Sue :


I met wonderful people here on strokenetwork which brought more meaning & wisdom in life than real friends. So even though I have not met many here,  but I value their life experiences & friendship much more.






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Asha you have helped me so many times with wise words and kind sharing. I am thankful for you and for witnessing how graceful you are despite your walk through tradgedy.

I hope the very best comes very soon.


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