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"Fire" poem by Tracy Miller





Peering out from the darkness, the light grows stronger.


Reaching out to feel it's warmth.


My skin begins to glow.


First, my my arm like a golden diamond with a fire in it's belly.


The velvet light and warmth creeps further up my body until it envelopes all of me.


I feel weightless, like my body is lifted by the sun's arms.


Lifting my head, I drink in all of it's energy.


I can take a clear deep breath and the light fills every crevice of my being.


Slowly rising, burning brighter. Higher and higher.


I feel the rays beaming back out into the light.


My mouth falls open to release the glorious energy.


I am the diamond with my belly burning bright with fire. 


Reaching out to lighten all the shady corners.


This is my blessing.


Tracy Miller




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Beautifully written Tracy!  I know that we all interpret others' poetry differently; to me it sounds like you're embracing freedom; that you want to grow.  I loved reading it!

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I have now read this many times and I seem to see something different every time.  but I think that is what poetry is. and maybe  what it should be.  thank you tracy!


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