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OMG such a fun memorial day weekend



as all of you know I enjoy company & love to crack jokes, I thrive when I am surrounded by friends. this past weekend hubby's college friend's son was getting married in NJ, so lot of hubby's other college friends were coming from all around world to wedding, we hosted lot of his friends at our home for wedding. & we had so much fun. I had made lot of food preparation in advance & kept it ready so that we could spend time together talking instead of cooking & cleaning. luckily all enjoyed my cooking boosted my confidence in myself.   for the wedding his college group prepared one dance item  & we practiced for two days & performed on day of music party. I have never seen hubby dancing so well got lot of cheering  & encouragement when we all danced on the floor. wedding was planned & executed so well & we all had so much fun, it brings so much joy even now thinking about  all witty remarks & jokes we were playing on each other. In the beginning when this was all in planning phase I was not certain about my ability to handle & take care of so many guests at our home. but hubby felt we should be able to pull it off with help of his other college woman friends. & I did. by end of it they were calling me teacher cause I was always telling them what to do next  & how to next. It was great spending quality time with all of them after hearing about all of them from hubby all the time.  l would have never thought or even imagined that life will b this blissful after stroke. first & foremost thankful to my husband & kido for putting up with my antics, without both of them life would have been so dull. every time when our kido comes & hugs me without any reason I feel so grateful to be still here & enjoying life with all this abundance






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Asha, very well done.  You do have it in you to do amazing things.  And with a little help you have made a weekend that many will remember.  Like you I sometimes doubt my abilities ans then am pleased when things go right instead of wrong as I had anticipated.  I am happy that your husband was relaxed and enjoyed the dancing, that must have been a boost for him too.  Cling onto those happy memories when the going gets tough, we all need to do that, to embrace the good times.

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Hi Asha, I really enjoyed reading your blog, and so glad that you enjoyed the preparations for the wedding, as well as the wedding itself.  Sounds like a great time!  

We look at our lives very similarly....so difficult to believe that we'll experience happiness again while going through stroke recovery; but we made it.  I feel very fortunate to have survived, and know that life is good again!


Hope you keep on dancing, my friend.  (Lin)

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