I can't..............
I know that I have been so excited for my eye surgery and I have to be patient but I have to admit I would have never done this if I knew how terrible it was going to make me feel. i have NEVER felt as sick as I do know..EVER. I had morning sickness ( what ex husband and parents told me) and they have collectively told me I was not that bad. I'm guessing because I wasn't a "Strokie" Well every time I look,move,eat,breathe I feel like I'm going to vomit. I hate to do that but I would rather vomit than feel like I'm on the edge all the time. I have to turn the air to almost freezing for everyone else because motion sickness can make you SWEAT I mean I spend 99% of my day and night in bed because If I move I feel sick. I feel so ad because my son is with me for the first half of summer and I can't get up nor drive for I really can't see and I'd spend most of the day on the side of the road hurling. When my mother drove us to vacation ( thank goodness for that) I couldn't see anything and when I would try I would feel horrible with a migraine and sick. I chalked it up to just being right after surgery but .. then it never stopped. The doctor said it is normal to feel this way but I was never informed I's feel this way for so long. I always keep a pink bucket next to me
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