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Oh Well - Whatever!



Boy, this aide is really digging a very deep hole with me. This morning the phone rang at 6:30a. It was her. She informed me that because it was raining this morning she would not be working because her truck had no windshield wipers. BashHead.gif


So anyway it was a very quite day, just me and Chris. And actually I was able to take care of him and get 5 hours of work done on my business. I deceided not to get upset about the situation and just contacted Chris' case manager - she got ticked off enough for the 2 of us.


So now I'll finish my work day, get Chris up, make dinner. eat, clean up, do the 2 loads of wash that need to be done, do Chris' exercises and maybe get to sit down before 11pm.





Better this way than Chris and I being seperated!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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One of the reasons I've never gotten aids for Don is because I've seen how much they turn your life upside down....our neices has to have them. As long as I can manage the work, I don't miss having strangers coming and going at their convenience, not mine. You still being in the work force, I you don't have that option I'm sure.



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Guest lwisman


Is it legal to have windshield wipers that don't work? Just wondering.


I had great luck with paid caregivers. We used an agency recommended by the rehab hospital I was in. Almost all of the people who come through this agency are Polish. They have varying amounts of education, training and English. There were even doctors and nurses who did not yet have the credentials to work in US. The woman I ended up with for 20 months was actually a former preschool aide. She was great. Intuitively knew when to let me do things myself and when to just do stuff for me.


I live in Chicago. Chicago has the second largest Polish population (after Warsaw) in the world, so the supply is somewhat endless.


We now have a cleaning service which is also Polish, but with much less English. It is run by a Polish woman who has obviously been in this country for some time. They are also really great.

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