adore my weekends & my AHAs
This Saturday class was no different in feeding my soul with goodness in life & getting me prepared in providing tools in whatever we may come in my life in future. One of the best teaching of our Geeta class this weekend were two things & if I am able to master these two things then life will be truly bliss
1. lesson is whatever karma(or actions I am doing do it as my offering to God without any attachment to results
2. whatever results I get it from those action take it as God's gift (prasad) without labeling those results as good or bad.
I know both steps are hard to do but once we practice these things with awareness we can remain unaffected by joy & sorrow & stay in blissful content state of mind.
I am learning this slowly I know I had labeled my stroke as worst event in my life but if I look deep within myself I know it has brought lot of clarity & joy in my living. It allowed me to find happiness within me & being present in the present moment & appreciate daily wonders of my life. So it should be easy for me to practice every bad situation in my life to realize what is this event is trying to teach me.
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