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When do I........



get some time off???


Many family and friends have been involved with Lisa. So far we have been able to help her cope with the changes she has faced mentally and physical quite well. Lisa has never needed anti-depressants through the whole ordeal and is in rather good spirits. She is dealing with being where she is and knows it is the best place for her at this moment in her life. As she continues to improve, going home is coming closer and closer.


But with the summer months, family and friends are coming less and less. Everyone we know has taken a vacation and some of them are going on their second ones. Good for them, I guess. I am hoping to take Lisa on a vacation (as I have already blogged) this November.


But, since the beginning of March, no one has come to me and offered to give me some time off. Just one day is all I want. One day to sleep in and know that she has company and is being taken care of. A weekend would be heaven. Lisa likes to think I have all this free time to do whatever I want. Here's my day:


6:00 a.m. UP

7:00 Daughter to Cheerleading

7:00-11:30 Work

11:30-1:00 Lunch with Lisa

1:00-4:30 Work

4:30-7 or 7:30 Time with Lisa

7 or 7:30-10:00 Whatever(clean house, bills, shopping)

10:00 p.m.(hopefully) Bed


On the weekends, I'm usually with Lisa all day because no one else is around. I don't want anyone to think that I do not like spending time with Lisa. I cherish every minute. I just need some time away right now. But, I don't want her to feel abandoned if I take some. I still have issues with that. Everyone tells me "You need to get away." but it ends there. I think, "Easier said than done."


I'm done. My head hurts just thinking about it. Butch



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I can sympatize with you, when I was in hospital specially in ICU, my hubby's time table was similar to yours,

5:00 wakeup,

6:00 in hospital with me till 9PM

10:00 go home and sleep with our son


an I used o complain y u r not staying with me where with me in hospital my sister was staying. those were rough days,

now after a year we have taken our multiple vacations, disney world for our child, and europe for his mom, and I have started getting into rhythm of life, we started doing joint home projects

so be patient, good days r just around corner, there is light at the end of tunnel and its not oncoming train




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you have EVERY right to have time for yourself. i would feel this way if lisa had not had the stroke. the next time someone says "....is there any thing i can do, or you need time away...."""" say THANKYOU, what day(s) can you help out, it would be so appreciated and you are so right!!!!!!!!!!!!!



kim, i know easier said than done, but its a thought pash.gifpash.gif

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