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Laptop ugh



I am going to blog about the computer I am using..laptop.. the keys are too close together.. it is a change, from my usual PC at home.. I am enjoying the fellowship with my sister and her son. I wish I had a picture of my sister's bely to show, she is about to pop a baby out. I got to feel my little nephews hic-ups tonight. I cannot wait to meet him.

I was a little nervous going to my nephews B-day party to day.. meeting people for the first time,being a survivor and 'not the typical looking person' Thank Goodness none of her OT/PT friends were here. My sister is an SLP, Speech Language Pathologist. My sister was the first one to notice my Left Neglect in the Hospital.

It is hard traveling w/out hubby, b/c I have to be the bell hop with all our bags and junk.

On our 3 hr. drive today, I passed slow cars for the first time post stroke!!Yeah,Amy..

Tom.. we will head North 4 my parents house

My 2yr old nephew is throwing a fit... ugh babies! Too much trouble.



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