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Something Good



When I woke up this morning, I was smiling. Just felt like something good was going to happen today. All day long, I kept waiting for the "something good" to happen. Hans' aide came late this morning, didn't even ruffle my feathers. Went to the store, got everything on my list, visited the cemetary, came home still expectant. Had wonderful lunch brought by our church. Took good nap - then got up and did some laundry. Ordered Pizza for supper. Ate all of mine - boy, I shouldn't have done that but it was sooooo good. Still waiting for our "something good". We have been having thunder storms each afternoon or evening and this day was no exception. Ran out in the rain to put the van up. Got a little wet but not bad. Still waiting. Then it dawned on me - this WHOLE DAY has been something good. Even with my back problems (slipped disc) I was able to be up all day, except for nap, and get some things done. Hans' attitude has been really good today and God has been good to us. We needed this rain so bad and we had a really good rain today. The last two days have just been showers with a lot of thunder and lightning. The rain was a real blessing. Our lights went out but not for long so we didn't get too hot before it came back on.


I guess I was hoping that Hans' new chair would come today but it didn't. Maybe tomorrow. He needs it so bad. I have therapy again in the morning and he has a doctor appointment in the afternoon. I guess if they call, they can come late afternoon. We can only hope. They called a month ago to say it had been ordered. I really expected it last week but oh well. Somewhere I must have prayed for patience.


Don't know where this blog was headed except that I am still smiling and feeling really good about things.

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