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still up urrrrhg



welp its 2:55am im up im wired i suppose its the coffee duhhhh dats wat a couple pots will do for ya the dawg has it right hes sound asleep on the couch in the cleab laundry basket snugg as a bugg in a rugg o boy is he spoilt to

in the mornings during the week after lil one gets off ta school i say ok scooter lets go ta bed for nap and he takes off lol he will take a flyiong leaping jump

from bedrrom door to bed and wats so funny is when he mis calcultes and lol bounces off the side of the bed then he shakes the stars outa his head and does it again lol he will get under the cover snuggled up to my back snoring and drewling like the rest of us lol yup hes a lil spoilt but gotta luv um though hes a cool smart dawgy

ok im gonna try ta catch some zzzzs now peace luv happiness to all


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You are so funny!!

My dog snoozed with me when I first stroked.

For first 5-6 months I slept a lot,up and down all day and my dog followed me

everywhere. she is such a joy to have.

I thought my dog was the only one like that!!


Have A Good Day!!


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Mine are Great nappers and snugglers even sits on my lap when I am on the computer.

It's great to know you always have a companion or two or three or...

"unconditional love"

Bonnie Neeeedsleeep.gif

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why would you drink coffee if you are tring to go to sleep? is that some weird georgia thang??????? lol


one of my cats sleeps at the top of my head since i stroked. i think she thinks she is a "healing kitty blanket". animals can sense when we are not well or having problems!!!!!!



kim pash.gifpash.gif

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i got up wanting coffee so duhhh i drank sum kim ur cat ur cat may look at ur frizzy hair dew lol thinkin hmm nodda kitty roflmao.gif

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