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This and That



Well I haven't blogged for awhile, so this is kind of catching up..

I want to Thank everyone who prayed and sent good wishes for "Uncle Bob"

He had the carotid artery surgery last week. Was supposed to be a "short" surgery and actually ended up in surgery close to 6 hours. During the surgery they found the artery was not only clogged but alson had a malformation so they corrected it. They kept him in the hospital for a day or 2 then he came home.

He is doing quite well. He had been having TIA's but has come out of those with apparently no damage..and now it looks like they found out what was going on and able to correct it.

My friend Carol is home from the hospital after being diagnosed with aggressice cancer. She is having radiation 5 times a week for 3 weeks and then chemo.

She told me in 1999 she took out a long term care insurance policy so has coverage for people to take care of her and transportation.

She is doing "okay" we had a good chat the other day and I h ave been calling her every other day, even for a few minutes just to say Hi. She has a wonderful support system. She has been a member of AA for years and between her A friends, her sister and son...Her mom and dad are still alive and knowing her mom I am sure she is cooking and sending meals.


Our newest four legged family member "alyese" is a character..

She is fitting in with the rest of the "kids" and it is really funny to watch Mindy our 50 lb. Australian Shepherd mix play with a 5 lb. toy fox terrier. Mindy grew up with our 3 minature pinschers ..Muggsy, Molly and Romeo so she is very gentle.

I have Alyese pretty well house trained and she has gained some weight. She is learning come, stay, sit and down. She is getting Molly to play with her too and they race around the house. She lays on my lap or by my feet when I am on the computer and snuggles with me when watching TV and crocheting. and she found a favorite snuggle spot with John. I am so glad we "adopted' her.

Well I sahould get moving ... I am making pickles today...Picked up the rest of what I need and the cukes on Saturday....got the jars in the dishwasher last night. so off to the kitchen I go.. lol_2.gif

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