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Things have been a little quiet here, other than the "house business" and work. For the next 2 weeks I'll be having a dinner a week courtesy of mystery shopping. Yum, yum.


The big thing has been Tropical Storm/Hurricane Ophelia. Actually when she did approach, she changed (like a woman) from a tropical storm into a hurricane and back. The stores weren't selling as many flashlights, batteries and generators as they did last year- just a little more than normal. Probably because everyone already had gotten what they needed already. The schools though, being overly cautious closed the schools on Thursady because they didn't want the children waiting in the rain with these conditions. Friday, they opened the schools and Friday was the day they should have closed. I got a late start and went a few miles along the ocean when a terrible storm started. Part of the road was closed because they were bringing sand and rocks to bolster the roadway which was being blasted by the waves. I drove a little further taking the several block detour and decided to stop in a strip center and wait to see if it would get a little better. It appeared to be ok and I started out again but soon it became worse again and I made the legal u-turn and drove home. After getting home, it looked as though it would be ok and I decided to go to the other places I had to go. I started out and again it started raining heavily and I turned around but when I got to the next turn, it looked better and I turned around again and finally got where I was going. I managed to get the 2 stops in and finished all of the work except the first place which I did this morning.


This morning and the rest of the day were beautiful. Ophelia did not circle around as the weather people said perhaps would happen and decided to take her wrath elsewhere. She should just go up the shipping lanes and leave everyone alone!


Let's see, the next letter is "P" and I guess is slated for a man's name. Men lately have been a little more considerate. I hope so because there is still almost 3 months left to this horrible Hurricane season.

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I don't know how you can live in a hurricane area. We have them (we call them cyclones) in northern Queensland, and around the Top End, sometimes in the north of Western Australia.

Here we just get wind and rain, hail and thunderstorms sometimes, and a summer storm we call a "southerly buster" which can have very high winds with it. That is enough mayhem and destruction for me.

Good luck with the rest of the hurricane season.


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