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What a game!!!



I know evertone wants to hear the outcome of the BIG game. Well...they won 49 - 0!!!

Some dirty plays! My son was getting calls all week about how the coaches of his old team were talking badly about him adn telling the team that they had to stop him.

Funny thing is that my son had really gotten alot better workout and whatever being on this new team. I have to say, his gear and workout clothing STINKS!!!! Last week I even asked him if he had urinated on the shirt because that is what it smelled a thousand cats had urinated on it!!! by halftime my sons team was ahead 35 to 0. His coaches kept the 1st team in on defense knowing what had been going on...I guess to make a point...stick it to the other team. Around halfway through the 4th quarter, my son was on the field and the @#*** coach from the other side callled one of the players and my son looked over to see this so called man signal to get my son in the jingleballs. 3 of their guys went and held him while the other dropped down and gave him a real good shot to ring those bells!!!! My som tackled the ballringer a bit hard and came dowm on his forearm connecting near thes guys neck...not a good move on my sons part...and he was called and taken out of the game...the ballringer got away with his shot.

Well, my older son went nuts and started heckling the @#** coach. Another one of the coaches called to have him arrested...what, heckling is not allowed???...anyway he will have some kind of citation coming.

I was disappointed in the boys (mine) losing their tempers but at the same time proud of seeing them take each others back like that. The older one feels responsible for what the younger one had to go through for sticking up for him last year.

Why do men and I mean the coaches have to be so unsportsmanlike? When the teams lined up to shake hands at the end of the game, none of the opposinng teams coaches lined up...they stood off to the side watching the line...there was one man who was my sons junior high coach who came over to my sons team after the line and congratulated them on how well they had played. He later came to our home with his son and told my son how proud he was of the way he played, how good he was, how losing him is the worst move that team had made. He also said how what his brother had said to the @#** coach was heard by everyone and was so justified. Will write what happens next....


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Glad neither of your sons was physically hurt. As for the citation, perhaps sanner minds will prevail. These coaches are supposed to be teaching sportsmanship and NOT by "Do as I do, not as I say" I guess.



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You got that right Phyllis...Sso disappointing... The boys have learned a valuable life lesson the hard way...hope it makes them better men in the long run!

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