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Adolescent Insecurities come back to haunt



As an adolescent I had many insecurities about myself and how I looked and in general fit in to society.

I never felt like I belonged or was accepted in any group I was around.

I always felt like I was ugly and fat because I was told this by many.

In my 20's and 30's and 40's, I tried to prove myself to myself by what I was able to accomplish by way of running a photo business on my own, more or less.

Then I was broad-sided by a stroke that stole my only means of self worth.

Now, I'm just ugly, fat and old.

I try to close my eyes to relax, and all I see is self-hatred for many wrong-doings I've done to myself.

Overeating...which lead to fatness.

I allowed some of my lovely clothes be 'donated' to Goodwill, in particular a black leather jacket and skirt...it was gorgeous and I was forced to get rid of it because I hadn't worn it in over a year. Now, I regret that and wish I still had that jacket and skirt to possibly give me incentive to lose weight and possibly wear it again. I've allowed myself to be ridiculed and belittled too much. I wish my husband was in my corner, giving me emotional support.

I feel like a freak of nature.


My meds are the same...no change in antidepressant. Just an accute awareness of my lot in life. I have nothing to offer anyone or anything. I feel like a fat useless blob taking up space and resouces. Truly, if it were easy, I'd disappear and end it all.


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Had a mentor who said: "If you want to know who you are strip naked and look into the mirror. That is who you are going to be all day."


It works for me. I know who I am but dressed, with my makeup on and a sweet smile on my face I can deceive a lot of others.


Sometimes I am a fat, ugly blob taking up space too.




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Have you tried Overeaters Anonymous for emotional support? They have meetings in your area. It's a pretty big organization, from what I'm seeing on the net, where you can find the support system that is missing from your life. It wouldn't work for me because it requires a traditional belief in God but you've got that area covered in spads, so what do you have to loss to try? No pun intended. http://www.oa.org/all_about_meetings_resul...=&Submit=Search


The only person who can help you get back your sense of self-worth is yourself. It's hard work but you're worth it. Did your local Sunday paper having any listings for charities that are looking for volunteers like we talked about in your last blog entry? If not, look in your phonebook for the humane society, since you expressed an interest in that group, and call them. Our town here in Michigan just got a plane load of dogs in from the hurricane area and are looking for all kinds of donations. If nothing else, you could put out some collection boxes and help that way if your local shelter needs stuff, too. If they have a waiting list for volunteers, keep trying until you connect with something else that interests you to do. Tackle building self-esteem like a short term project with long term benefits.


Janice, I'm challenging you to spend six months of going to a group like Overeaters Anonymous and doing some sort of charity work. Are you up to the task?




P.S. to Sue: The only way I'd stand naked in front of a mirror is at night with the lights turned off. Good, God, woman! Why would you torture yourself like that? "D




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janice honey you are not fat ugly or old your betterok we all get older in time but honey ur only old as u feel in ur heart age is just a number

im on your side honey now pick your head up you cant look back at the past it does no good to anybody ok hun

just live for the moment and the future dont worry be happy

im here for yoy allways

now go eat you a ding dong and be happy lol

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i share stan and sue's sentiments but jean makes a very good point. i will join jean's challenge. Al-anon has helped me tremendously in the last 10 years ,AA and NA have helped my husband turn his life around in the last 8 years, and i believe that OA, which is similar to AA, NA, and Al-anon, will help you too.


sue-you deserve to be knighted for standing in front of a mirror naked.


sandy cloud9.gif

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I gotta be different, go to your favorite clothing store and buy yourself another black jacket and skirt, same size you had, put it in your closet.

Your incentive will return. make sure its leather, winter is coming. Now two of your possibilities are covered.


The others, a Subway sub with 6 grams of fat, whole grain, 2% milk and put your husband in your corner can fix you right up lady.


Ugly is in the eyes of the beholder, if you feel older, think of how much wiser you are now. See how easy that was. No sweat. You can still meditate, even do yoga, don't look back

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