Tuesday... Quit Smoking...
I came home from my trip to Ohio and came down with one heck of a head cold..haven't had one this bad in years. Started feeling better yesterday so I am hoping it is on it's way out.
I QUIT smoking...may need some encouragement here guys!!!
I have had less than 1/2 a cigarette since Sunday at 10 am. it is 9 am Tuesday.
For the most part I am doing fairly well..Had "cravings" really bad about 3 or 4 times.. try to get busy or do something then and am learning they will pass.
I am also trying to not put food in my mouth at those times..except for a mint or a cinnamon candy..
I am thinking of all the positive reasons for quitting especially $$ and the new taxes they put on. I may have to buy gas but I don't have to support the present government with the taxes from cigarettes..
I can do this without gaining weight is my new Mantra!! HELP!
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