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Bad news



My husband who is only 53 has just been diagnosed with cancer of the esophogus. He had colon cancer in 1996 and had surgery and chemo for that. I'm so numb, I feel like crying and can't.


We don't know what stage the cancer is in...will be tested on Monday, Oct 10 to find out.

If any of you who read my blog are prayer warriors, I 'd appreciate your prayers for Joe, my husband.


The CT scan didn't show the lymph nodes which is good....means they aren't enlarged.

God is in control and this didn't take Him by surprise.


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Janice I will remember your husband Joe with prayers and will also send him energy.


I agree, God is in control and will take good care of both of you.



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I consider myself a prayer warrior, if you want to call it that. I will pray for Joe and for your strength during these trying times ahead.

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Janice, I am so sorry. Dennis has been taking Glyconutrients and we really feel they are helping. I have heard amazing results with these for cancer. IF you want more info, give me a call. 266-6575

Trudy Weichers

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I am so sorry to hear your husband's news, I will pray for you and Joe, and you are right God is in control of things, he will take care of you both



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Sorry to hear of your husband's illness. I will keep you in my prayers,,, I know that we would never have made it this far without prayer and trust in the good Lord...... Hope the rest of the tests are better.....

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