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Con-nut brittle



when i posted on Sister Pam's blog on 'intolerance,' part of my post included the following:


i have been also thinking about your blog in terms of why people who define themselves as 'conservatives' tend to be more rageful and vitriolic in their rhetoric and actions then us more 'liberal' people. part of their rhetoric involves standing up for a simpler, happier, America, with correct, consistent, unitary, and "Christian" moral and family values, but i believe it's because they're rageful, depressed, stressed-out people. racism, sexism, and classism always flourishes when times are tough financially and socially.


in visual terms, i think that the bag of 'con-nuts' is bigger than the bag of 'lib-nuts.' i think that someone has also put their bag into a big pan with butter and sugar and cooked it over high heat, resulting in a large mass of 'con-nut brittle.' maybe it should be boxed and sold.


i have been continuing to think about this topic all day, while i went with John for his evaluation for Cognitive Rehab, then out wiht John for Ethiopian food (raw beef again, Jean), and then to the movies with John to see 'Wallace and Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit', a must-see movie, if you ask me. i won't spoil the ending for you, but part of the theme revolved around purging the evil that liess in people's hearts. i was thinking about how this could be applied to the lib-nut vs con-nut dilemma.


i decided that the way to peace and serenity in the nut world was to organize the lib-nuts and con-nuts into various teams, divisions, and ultimately two leagues, the American Con-Nut League, and the National Lib-Nut League. These leagues would be divided into three divisions of five teams each which would have stadiums in cities in the USA and Canada. Starting in early March, these leagues would have Spring Training in a part of Florida which had not been flooded during hurricaine season. in early April, the games would start, and in late September, they would end, followed by playoffs and the World Series. the form of the game played would be some sort of debate, with nine players in play at one time on each team of 25-30 players, which would be obtained by minor league teams. it would be very similar to baseball, without the enormous salaries (everyone playing would have to also have a day job or be retired or on disability or working out of the home (homemaker, caregiver, etc) or commercial endorsements. what could be more American than that?


if all of these nuts could see that a nut on the opposing team/side was a human being, with views and ideas that were different from them, but in other ways very similar to them, then perhaps they wouldn't hate the opposing nut but will come to see them as equivalent of them, or even come to admire them for their various skills. that might possibly lead to less war, less starvation and poverty, less hatred, and more cooperation and progress in little things like science, medicine, agriculture, housing, and the like.


thus sprach a nut.




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i have received a message from a Strokenet member who wishes to remain anonymous, who will henceforth be known as "Deep Crunch"



Lib-Con Brittle



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