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i am not a 'liberal'



several people on this website have implied that i am a 'liberal' whatever that means. i want to set the record straight once and for all. i am not a 'liberal'


'liberalism', as defined by Encarta, is

Liberalism, attitude, philosophy, or movement that has as its basic concern the development of personal freedom and social progress. Liberalism and democracy are now usually thought to have common aims, but in the past many liberals considered democracy unhealthy because it encouraged mass participation in politics. Nevertheless, liberalism eventually became identified with movements to change the social order through the further extension of by social change is conceived of as gradual, flexible, and adaptive, and radicalism, in which social change is seen as fundamental and based on new principles of authority.


The course of liberalism in a given country is usually conditioned by the character of the prevailing form of government. For example, in countries in which the political and religious authorities are separate, liberalism connotes, mainly, political, economic, and social reform; in countries in which a state church exists or a church is politically influential, liberalism connotes, mainly, anticlericalism. In domestic politics, liberals have opposed feudal restraints that prevent the individual from rising out of a low social status; barriers such as censorship that limit free expression of opinion; and arbitrary power exercised over the individual by the state. In international politics, liberals have opposed the domination of foreign policy by militarists and military considerations and the exploitation of native colonial people, and they have sought to substitute a cosmopolitan policy of international cooperation. In economics, liberals have attacked monopolies and mercantilist state policies that subject the economy to state control. In religion, liberals have fought against church interference in the affairs of the state and attempts by religious pressure groups to influence public opinion.


A distinction is sometimes made between so-called negative liberalism and positive liberalism. Between the mid-17th and the mid-19th centuries, liberals fought chiefly against oppression, arbitrariness, and misuses of power and emphasized the needs of the free individual. About the middle of the 19th century many liberals developed a more positive program stressing the constructive social activity of the state and advocating state action in the interests of the individual. The present-day defenders of the older liberal policies deplore this departure and argue that positive liberalism is merely authoritarianism in disguise. The defenders of positive liberalism argue that state and church are not the only obstructors of freedom, but that poverty may deprive the individual of the possibility of making significant choices and must therefore be controlled by constituted authority.


this definition of 'liberalism' is not, i think, the definition of 'liberal' that people who are far from 'liberal' mean when they say, 'liberal'. so what do they mean, anyway? i have researched the Cato Institute, the Heritage Foundation, Rush Limbaugh's website, and several other like-minded websites and have come up with much information, such as:

Marketplace of Ideas Would Free Universities from Liberal Tyranny

November 2, 2004  by Edwin J. Fuelner, PhD (from The Heritage Foundation)


...Liberals, on the other hand, don


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this is the definition that, at the moment, i like best





1. Generous in quantity

Add a liberal sprinkling of salt.

2. A political description sometimes used without regard to true meaning, as a pejorative

3. Based on optimistic assumptions.

At a liberal estimate, growth could exceed 5% next year.

4. Favoring social freedom; permissive

Her parents had liberal ideas about child-rearing.

5. Favoring ideas that treat all people with equal justice regardless of educational, financial, sexual or racial status.

6. (US) Supposedly Opposing conservative positions, particularly those of social conservatives.

7. (UK) Pertaining to the Liberal Democrats.

8. Supporting a Liberal political party

9. liberal (adjective obsolete): lacking moral restraint: LICENTIOUS. Source; Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, eleventh edition, page 716.

10. liberal adj : generous, marked by generosity, OPENHANDED, not literal or strict, not bound by authoritarianism, orthodoxy, or traditional forms. Source; Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, eleventh edition, page 716.


Related Terms



liberal arts



See Also




1. One with liberal views.

2. (US) One opposing the views of a social conservative and favoring socially responsible taxes. Sometimes used pejoratively in political campaigns.

3. (Also 'classical liberal', akin to libertarian) A person who favors individual voting rights, human and civil rights, individual gun-rights, laissez-faire markets, and the gold standard.

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I just went back to Wikipedia free encyclopedia to check out the Liberal, KS definition. That was interesting for people who love trivia...and I do. It will take you several days to get through all those 'liberal' definitions listed there. Don't stay up all night.....



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you probably thought of the phrase 'libnut' because you think that i'm a 'liberal' gleam.gif that works with 'nuts' (psychiatric patients). happydance.gif


it's very funny roflmao.gifroflmao.gif , but i don't refer to my patients as 'nuts', nor do i think that because i have post-stroke depression and take antidepressants that i'm 'nuts'. and, as i said before, i'm not a 'liberal'.


maybe you can come up with another phrase? uhm.gif


sandy giggle.gif

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i looked up 'libnut' in Wiktionary and this is what i came up with.




libnut, also lib-nut or lib nut


(used by conservatives or supporters of conservatives, especially of the United States Republican Party)


1. a liberal, such as a United States Democratic Party member or supporter, who is perceived as having wrong or nonsensical views

Martin Sheen, the President (in his own mind) and first class whining libnut, finally broke down and met with the gay divorcee, Cindy Sheehan. [1]

2. a person perceived as anti-American

Decent conservative Americans simply laugh at the revolting libnut America haters who are poking the stick at Sheehan. [2]







libnut, also lib-nut or lib nut


1. having the characteristics of a libnut

You libnut liberal lefties are all done. Judge Roberts is gonna kick your ass! [3]


Usage notes

Both the compound noun and the compound adjective are frequently spelled libnut (joined) or lib-nut (hyphenated) to reflect the pronunciation with one primary stress. The words are frequently used by conservatives well-known in the U.S., such as broadcasters Bill O'Reilly, Rush Limbaugh, Mark Levin, Sean Hannity or Lawrence Kudlow, during live broadcasts.


phyllis, that's NOT very nice. nono.gif just because my political philosophy differs from yours, that does not mean that i am the things that this defination implies. rolleyes.gif


i thought we were two mature adults discussing or differing political philosophies in respectful ways. mellow.gif maybe i was wrong. unsure.gif


sandy cloud9.gif


ps thank you for helping me to expand my vocabulary. i had never heard of this word/phrase before you called me a libnut. I-Thank-You.gif

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Since I missed this blog entry when it was new..... and I forgot all the definitions of "liberal" already. I consider myself a Liberal, not a bleeding heart liberal mind you, but I think you are more of an indivual and people are confusing being a strong indivual as being liberal. Whatever you are,( do I really want to go there and label you?????) I admire you for your opinions and strength of character.


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Have you heard about the children's book titled: "Mommy, There's a Liberal Under my Bed!"? It villifies liberals as people children should run and hide from and the art work is of famous people like Ted Kennedy. I saw a review of the book that compares what ultra-conservatives are doing to liberals (trying to change it's meaning of 'liberal' to equate to evil) to the same thing that Nazi Germans did with the Jews before WWII where they spent a decade or so villifing Jewish people so that the climate was right to do what they ended up doing. Very scary business!!



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one of my closest realtime friends was raised as an Atheist Jew in a leftist household. she says that the primary thing that being Jewish means to her is that when the government came to take people to concentration camps, they would take her first.


so what do you think that i will be taken from, being a Jew or being a Libnut? which one comes first?


sandy cloud9.gif

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I havent been reading blogs for a while.....


I didnt realise being a liberal was so complicated.

Here in the UK I nearly always vote for the liberal democratic party......middle of the road stuff. Not as right wing as the conservatives and not so left wing as labour.

But they are all blending into one another now


But being "liberal" is more than what party you vote for. I think I like your definition from Wikapedia from reply 2


Well thats my tuppence worth.



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