werewolves anonymous
i was puzzled and amused by the last entry in my blog comments, especially since the poster is so wise and intelligent. raw meat yucky? why, i eat raw meat and raw fish all the time...and my realtime friends and John do as well. i was raised on raw meat; my mom used to make hamburger patties and eat raw meat, and when i was old enough(about 8) she used to let me help her and allow me to eat raw meat.
then the thought struck me-suppose this idiosyncracy is only confined to people in the country of NYC? what if the rest of the world doesn't eat raw vertebrate flesh? am i truly a food fashionista, or just a werewolf in disguise?
so i will 'fess up' and name the raw flesh that i eat as an adult:
1) sushi, all types. this includes eating raw quail's eggs with my raw sea urchin eggs (uni). uni has grossed out many a sushi eater because of it's appearance, which i won't describe, but i eat it. i draw the line at pickled whole baby octopi, though...i can't stand to look at them;
2) raw chopped meat and raw cubed beef when i eat Ehiopian;
3) raw lamb when i eat Lebanese.
i give a thought daily for the animals wh have died so that i can eat and praise their spirits. the biggest problem that i have with eating raw meat and fish is that part of me feels that i shouldn't eat animals, either raw or cooked. but vegetarian diets don't work for me; i go into anaphylactic shock when i eat tofu, and all of the spinach and lentils in the world doesn't stop my blood count from dropping, with being on Coumadin for life, without eating red meat.
23. (or 24.?) i have an unusual diet
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