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there has been a lot of 'talk' about friends on this website lately, which is interesting, because i talked to my therapist about friends and people in my life (including this webite) today. i am now sitting at the computer on two chairs (one for my legs, one for my butt) with my feline friend, Marmaduke, sitting on my lap; he appears to have no intention of getting off, and is insisting that i type with one hand and pet him with the other one.


i find people very interesting. i am a very social person and am blessed with many friends and acquaintances. i have a core group of real-time friends who i met in Al-Anon who i see (individually or in various combos) and/or speak to several times a week. i have my Al-Anon sponsee who i speak to almost every day. i have other friends in Al-Anon, friends from my residency, friends whom i work with, childhood friends (who are quite dysfunctional so i try to limit my contact with them), the website, my parents, and John, who has no close friends. i make friends on vacation, and if would make the effort to keep in touch with everyone i've met, i 'd need a social secretary.


for someone to be considered a close personal friend by me, i have to observe and/or have many interactions with them that makes me feel that i can trust them.

i do not expect this to happen overnight.


i am considering cutting down my hours in my office to two days a week so that i can socialize and do fun things more often. i have been working since i was in junior high school and have worked very, very hard throughout my life. the only time that i have taken off from full time work or school for long stretches is the two times that i was on disability. semiretirement sounds better and better to me.

if my husband gets a big settlement in his accident case, i am going to quit managed care, not take on new patients, not take on new Court cases, and see only my 'regulars', which would be one-two days a week with minimal paperwork.

(i want at least one person to remind me of this if that day ever comes.)


23. i am sick of working so hard.




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I can't say that you are blessed or lucky to have so many friends because I'm sure you've worked hard at maintaining your many friendships. I only wish I had placed more importance on networking friendships when I was younger. I had Don and a couple of close women friends and that's all I thought I'd ever need.


Good luck with pulling off that semi-retirement plan. I can highly recommend retirement. It's something both Don and I wish we had done years ago---stop working so hard!



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i figure that since i have chosen (because of my lifestyle choices) and been chosen (because of my medical problems)to not have children, if i don't network and have friends i will drown in my wheelchair before they come to ship me to a nursing home on higher ground when brooklyn is overwhelmed by a tsunami. although death is basically a solitary trip, if i continue to be kind and generous to (certain) people they will be kind and generous to me and i won't die alone.


i remember one conversation when one of my friends asked if we will all be in the same nursing home someday. i answered that if we all bought into the same assisted living facility, we would all eventually wind up in the same nursing home.

i always had a plan that my friends and i would wind up on the porch of a nursing home, in rocking chairs, smoking medicinal marijuana and making lewd comments at all cute young male orderlies.


sandy giggle.gif

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That sounds like a great plan to me! Got any shares left in the assisted living home?


Not having kids has always worried me a little about growing older. But then as I grow older and I've seen other people's kids ship them off to nursing homes before they really needed to go...so not having kids has it's good sides too. biggrin.gif




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you be welcome to a share in our assisted living facility. be forewarned that it would be in or near NYC, hopefully near some large outlet/shopping malls, ethnic restaurants (including sushi and Ethiopian), and sidewalk cafes, where we could go and pinch men's butts.


sandy wicked.gifgiggle.gif

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Oh, boy, Sandy! Since I'm half Italian that butt pinching sounds good to me. And since I'll be half demented when I move in living near NYC would be fine. When I get to be a pain in the neck, just give me some sushi and I'd probably kick the bucket.



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for assisted suicide, Ethiopian food seems to be more effective. have you ever eaten kitfo? its raw chopped meat mixed with spices and hot butter. gomen (i think) kitfo is kitfo with cooked collard greems and cheese (sort of like feta), special kitfo is kitfo with a lot of berbere (very, very hot ground red chili pepper).


eat some kitfo scooped up in injera (Ethiopian bread), turn red, then purple, choke, and die


sandy giggle.gif

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Yuck, Sandy! Kitfo sounds gross. In fact, any dish that used the terms "meat" and "raw" in the same sentence is a turn off to me. And last week was the very first time in my life that I'd ever tasted collard greens. I'm sure you get a lot more ethic food choices there than we do in middle America. Italian, Chinese, Indian, Japanese, German, and Mexican are the only ones I can think that we have here in town.



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