there has been a lot of 'talk' about friends on this website lately, which is interesting, because i talked to my therapist about friends and people in my life (including this webite) today. i am now sitting at the computer on two chairs (one for my legs, one for my butt) with my feline friend, Marmaduke, sitting on my lap; he appears to have no intention of getting off, and is insisting that i type with one hand and pet him with the other one.
i find people very interesting. i am a very social person and am blessed with many friends and acquaintances. i have a core group of real-time friends who i met in Al-Anon who i see (individually or in various combos) and/or speak to several times a week. i have my Al-Anon sponsee who i speak to almost every day. i have other friends in Al-Anon, friends from my residency, friends whom i work with, childhood friends (who are quite dysfunctional so i try to limit my contact with them), the website, my parents, and John, who has no close friends. i make friends on vacation, and if would make the effort to keep in touch with everyone i've met, i 'd need a social secretary.
for someone to be considered a close personal friend by me, i have to observe and/or have many interactions with them that makes me feel that i can trust them.
i do not expect this to happen overnight.
i am considering cutting down my hours in my office to two days a week so that i can socialize and do fun things more often. i have been working since i was in junior high school and have worked very, very hard throughout my life. the only time that i have taken off from full time work or school for long stretches is the two times that i was on disability. semiretirement sounds better and better to me.
if my husband gets a big settlement in his accident case, i am going to quit managed care, not take on new patients, not take on new Court cases, and see only my 'regulars', which would be one-two days a week with minimal paperwork.
(i want at least one person to remind me of this if that day ever comes.)
23. i am sick of working so hard.
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