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i hate MSN and anything connected to Bill Gates



i just had finished my blog. i pressed spell check and MSN Explorer closed, thus eating my blog. i am really frustrated with MSN, Windows, and Microsoft in general. John has a PC desktop because he insisted that he couldn't and didn't want to learn the Mac platform when his last computer crashed and burned and became unusable about two years ago. my laptop is not plugged into the internet right now so i am using his desktop, which at this point i can maneuver on and fix better than he can. i never had so many problems running Mac for 20 years as i have running windows for three years. it must be something about Microsoft and Bill Gates.


so i'm too tired to blog about the demonstration that we attended in Washington, DC, on Saturday, except to leave you with some of the signs that we saw:

1) Jesus was a Liberal

2) Who Would Jesus Bomb?

3) When Leaders Lie, Patriots Demand Answers

4) Bush lies, Who dies?

5) Levees, not Bombs

6) Support the Troops, Bring them Home

7) Veterans for Peace

8) Military Families Against the War

9) Justice for the People of the Gulf Coast

10)Impeach Bush


hope MSN won't close when i press spell check again


22. i hate MSN and anything connected to Bill Gates.




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that used to be very true, stan, macs were used by people in design or computer graphics because Mac's graphics program was so superior to pc's/Windows programs. i opted for Mac over PC because when i got my first computer in 1984 there was no windows and the choice was to have a platform that ran on icons (graphics) or on typing in words. since i think in pictures before words (mixed brain dominance, part of which saved me when i stroked), the Mac platform was more user-friendly for me.


that difference that you mentioned doesn't really hold true today, although Mac's graphics are still better than Microsoft's.


i still can't wrap my brain around the idea that a platform on top of a platform (Windows over DOS) works/runs better than just one platform (Mac, also Linux and Sun) i think that half of the glitches in Windows is because it's a platform running over a platform. besides, there are many less virii (plural of virus) and worms that attack Macs; most attack DOS-based PCs.


sandy cloud9.gif



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