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PFO follow up



I am feeling disappointed. Had the follow up TEE today and found that my PFO is not fully closed with the device.

The nurse practitioner who has given the most info throughout told me that my PFO was very large and during the procedure they had considered using 2 devices, but used the largest size and thought that they had achieved good closure. Today we found out otherwise. I am feeling that "knife hanging over my head" feeling. I will stay on anticoagulants probably for life and try to shake that feeling.

Also the neurologist talked about it being time to apply for SS disability..."maybe you will get better suddenly but ..."

I have been thinking about this and trying to not feel like doing so was throwing in my towel. I had every intention of returning to work before 3 months...its been 9 almost. I have doubts that I will ever return to being a nurse...not sure I would feel competent...when I asked that directly the doc said that he thought I 'might'



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Hi Mary,

I don't know about you,but I find neurologist's not the greatest to speak to

about recovery. I seem to think they want to live ideally,not realistically.

Don't believe everything they tell you,you know from this site how people progress

when they have been told otherwise.Also your timeframe since stroke has not been long,even though you may feel it is.

Did they speak to you about inserting another device,possibly?

Some countries don't even do closures and people have done well on anticoagulants.

You can think of disability as temporary until you know more about your

recovery. Never give up hope.

As nurses we should never give up hope especially with what we have seen in our careers.

I miss nursing big time and I may not be able to return to nursing,but I'm not giving up hope yet!

Lets chat on stroke net soon!

lorrainelm cloud9.gif


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You and I both need a shoulder to cry on.

I am sorry your closure hasnt been as succesful as you would have hoped. But I am "thriving" on aspirin. They took me off warfarin after 6 mths. Here in UK they dont routinely close PFO. In Scotland there are only two hopitals that carry out the procedure, and you are lucky if the consultant knows enough about it to refer you to one of the hospitals.


So dont despair about being on anti coags- belt and braces as they say!!


So you are not back to work yet after 9 goodness girl what are you


as lorraine said it is not long at all, dont give up hope. Can you go back part time and/or a different area.


I have just heard I am not going to be put on the trial and I have to phone the consultant to speak to the cardiologist. So decesion time for me.


Take care and be thinking of you


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