I'm Sitting Here In Shock!
It's roughly 12:30 in the am and I have to be about 25 miles from here in 8 hours. Long time but I desparately need sleep. I don't know if I will be able to sleep. My "dream" of again having a home is getting closer. Tomorrow I meet 2 women who will be getting subcontractors to clear the land, put in well, septic system, culverts etc. So, in printing some things for them, I'd thought I'd check the recent sales. What I saw was that a lot across the street and owned by the same man I bought my property from in February, and which I could have purchased for the same price, was sold. The shocking fact was that it sold for 45,000.00 more! Now, I wonder if there is something better about that lot and I picked the wrong one. Since both are heavily treed and there is no way I could walk on either property, I have no idea what is really there. Perhaps it is lower and will need more fill. Of course it could have cypress trees which you are not permitted to cut down (although I don't think I could see any) Well, in a few days I will know everything and then go to the next step.
What I really need is to have my head examined. Come to think of it, it was and was found to have some damage
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