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Rehab Reunion



Today was a special day. This was the day of the Rehab Reunion. This was my 3rd time. I had been told about it when a patient as a hot dog and hamburger gathering in the parking lot, but when the invitation arrived, it was being held in a convention center with a catered meal. Since this was just a few months after I had been to the hospital, most of my therapists were there. I had done so well since I had been there, that I made the decision that I would attend walking on mt own. And I did.


Last year we had the 3 hurricanes and the hospital was severly damaged. Their sister hospital made room for the patients and all were moved there and were safe. The hospital remained closed for several months. They had a reunion but it was smaller since many people had had there own damage. I didn't really see anyone I knew other than the Medical Director who had been my doctor there and I imagine decided my course of care.


This year was a special treat. They had so many new therapists and I knew no one other than the Dr. They were allowing tables to leave a few at a time since the young men parking the cars wouldn't be overwhelmed with every one leaving at once. I had parked my own car and decided that it would be ok to leave when I wanted to, but as I got to the door, a therapist stood in the way and didn't want to let me pass. I was ready to tell her that it was ok and then I realized it was my PT who I at first didn't recognize. When I did we had a great talk. I asked about her husband who works at the step-down where I went. He did a lot of things but mainly was the person who was in charge of my exercises. Every other therapist said to do an exercise 20 times each leg. With Mark, it was 10......3 times. I have to wonder if the extra 10 made the difference in my outcome. She said, "he had a son" and I asked, "oh, you aren't married anymore........."and she then said that "they" had a son. Personally, I think she was the best therapist there and I was so lucky to have her. In fact, I don't know who made the decision that I should be sent there - my Arab Dr.s (all with first name of Mohammed, but each was spelled a little differently or the neurosurgeon). They only have 40 rooms and it depends if they have an opening for a man or woman. I was sent there 2 days out of ICU and then a day later than maybe I would have been because a 24 hour test was being done. I have heard that getting in is difficult because it is such an excellent facility. I've also heard that it costs 1000.00 a day, and I'm very grateful to Medicare. That place didn't cost me a penny (nor the first 20 days of step- down) Of course I hate their medicine program but that's another story.


So now it's another year for another reunion. Until then I have the monthly stroke support meetings - you can't ask for anything better.


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