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Pity Party For One



I know, I had no right to hold a pity party for myself tonight, yet I did.


We have been getting along so well. Even though I feel like I am the one putting out most of the effort to not "argue" with each other, it has been worth the effort. I know our daughter-in-law appreciates it (she grew up in a home where her parents were constantly arguing).


So why isn't it ever enough?


I get up in the morning, I help Rolly make breakfast, I pack my daughter-in-law's lunch, make the bed, go to work (often running errands before work or on my (1/2 hour) lunch hour, come home, hit the door running, help put dinner on the table, set the table, then load the dishwasher after dinner. It's at least 7:30 before I get a chance to sit down.


By then I'm too tired to do much except veg in front of the TV. Rolly almost always goes to bed by 8pm, so at least there's no chance for confrontation then.


So tonight I cried.


I cried for what was. I cried for what he's lost, I cried for the person he was, I cried for the state of our relationship.


All while he's sound asleep.


And if I try to explain this to him in the morning, he'll just say I am overreacting.


This, too, shall pass?




Life is not the way it's supposed to be. It's the way it is. The way you cope with it is what makes the difference.

Virginia Satir, Social Worker

Susan's Blog Updated 9/17/05




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Dear Susan


I am definately not an expert at all this, being only 7 months post stroke but I know for myself when I am exhausted I start to feel very sorry for myself and get very weepy. All I do is take a day off work and sleep it off and then I feel much stronger. cloud9.gif In hindsight I realise I have come back to work far too soon and haven't had enough rest. It sounds to me like you have got far too much on your plate, slow down and take some "me" time.

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Hey Susan,


Pity parties are allowed as long as you stay no longer then five minutes max and they end at that time. Don't forget you have a grieving process to go threw too. In order to stay strong, you need to attend to some maintenence for yourself. Don't be afraid to take some time for yourself. I know it is easier said then done. But to pass along a saying from stroke recovery/rehab...... you will do it because you must.

Hope today is a better day for you. I'll stop now cause I haven't even finished my first cup of coffee yet.


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It's perfectly understandable that all the changes in your life lately would catch up to you, especially when you're physically drained. You're definately mourning your loss of independence, having moved in with your son and daughter-in-law. If it were me, I'd probably be crying over that from morning to night. Allow yourself to go through the process and like all other changes in life, you'll eventually come to terms with hard choices made for the right reasons.



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Can't add much to the above posts. Exhaustion, physically and mentally are draining. You really do need to take some time. Ask many of us SURVIVORS... we were all going at speeds 90+ miles per hour...

Doing things before work, errands on lunch, etc,etc, etc..... and look what happened to us sad.gif don't feel guilty to take time for yourself..look at at it as "healthy" time. time to unwind and do something for yourself.



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