Today's rant
Lookit, if you aren't into reading a rant and rave from a PMSing survivor, then don't read any further.
I just read Jean's blog again regarding the woman she ran into that was looking for justification in divorcing her husband. I find her attitude insulting. Not just insulting because I am coming down on the survivor side, but what about the spouses or caregivers that stay and schlepp in the trenches 24/7? Aren't any of them insulted too?
I know why I am ready to stone this unknown woman and even burn her at the stake, she has the same sucky attitude that the idiot I was married to had. Who gives these people the right to judge and compare a stroke survivor? Now once in the distant past, I judged a spouse who was legitimally venting, judged is the wrong word, flamed is a better word. I tore into her and said things I shouldn't have. It isn't a proud moment, but at least she was sticking it out, trying to find her way in this maze of stroke recovery.
Sure, she could have chosen a different path. But she seems the type without any backbone and her husband/survivor is probably better off without her. Just as I am far better off without the weight of being married to Kurt.
Who says we survivors have to have an existence just because we had the misfortune to have a stroke? What happened to the vows that we all speak when we get married. I guess they are so familiar that they are actually meaningless?
I will stop here, nuff said
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