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i wanna be sedated



something that Jean blogged in somebody else's blog inspired me to pen a few short words on the topic of internet suicidal ramblings.


i have many facets that are a part of my identity. i am a trained psychiatrist with so many qualifications and so much experience that i could bottle it and sell it. however, when i come to this site, i am a stroke survivor/caregiver who is sharing her experience, strength, and hope with other survivors and caregivers. i am not coming to this site as a psychiatrist because it would not be appropriate, ethical, or useful for me to do so. therefore, if i believe that anybody's posts/blogs/pms show any sort of suicidal intent, i will immediately contact The Management Team, forward them the communication, if necessary, and let the team deal with the communication as they see fit. i strongly believe that the team's approach to suicidal/inappropriate posting, blogs, and pms as stated in the Bosrd Rules are fair, just, appropriate, and totally righteous, and i support them 1000%.


in my experience on this and other sites, people often post/blog suicidal ramblings/thoughts as a cry for help, a way of seeking attention (often negative attention), an attempt to manipulate a situation/person, or all of the above (if you would like more information, put 'borderline personality disorder' into your search engine and press enter.) however, all such suicidal ramblings, even if the person posting/blogging them have other motives, needs to be taken seriously and also is not appropriate on a website such as this. the person who spouts these suicidal ramblings needs to take then to another, live, forum, such as to a therapist, a crisis counselor, or a 12-Step (AA, etc) meeting. therefore, the Board Rules really make sense, and (i can't say this enough), i support them 1000%.


28. i do not come on this site as a stroke survivor/caregiver, not as a psychiatrist.


29. the Board Rules make sense, and i support them 1000%




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Thank Sandy, you are a family member here. You should have a place to come to meet other friends(survivors/caregivers) a place to take you Dr. hat off and unwind.


It is hard to read something like that.. is it a plea for help or is it someone seeking attention?


The people here care about each other and really try to be supportive of stroke/cargiver subjects. We all have ups and downs and questions.

To find a site with such caring, giving people has been a blessing for me.


I really appreciate the inter action between caregivers and survivors. I think it helps both to see things from each other's side.


I also support the Board Rules 1000%


Your friend Bonnie

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hey Sandy:


I agree with bonnie, I really appreciate your feedback on blogs, I consider that wise viewpoints of doctor who have seen adversity too.



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