Nuerologist appt.
WEll 2yrs post stroke, my Nuerologist dismissed me as a patient, until I need him for something. It was a good feeling being released from a doctor. I quit my Physiatrist(sp), before he coiuld release me.
Got my Flu shot today at Health Clinic. Couldn't feel it, b/c they got me in my left arm.
My beloved sick nephews gave me a cold, that I can't shake, and has kicked my bottom to the curb. All I want to do is sleep/cry. I guess it could be worse. At least no fever.
My DD is getting me ice water at night when hubby is gone. I barely feel like making her dinner or myself. Today I actually felt like eating, so I did. I made a big 9x13 pan of vegetable lasagna. Umm, very good.
I also went and did the weekly grocery shopping. I am pooped.
Nyquil here I come.
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