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Phone call from Heart and Stroke



Good evening everyone


Just came from the TGIF chat.


I had a great time at the 4000 party last nite thanks to everyone. It has been a busy week in the chat room Monday with G, Tuesday with Bonnie, Wednesday with G, Thursday the 4000 party and tonite with Dennis.


Thanks everyone.


I wanted to tell you that I got a phone call from Lori Ferguson at the PEI Heart and Stroke office. She wanted to let me know that there will be a meeting on November 24th to see if there is interest in starting a stroke club here in the Montague area. The meeting location will be in the hospital board room which is right next door to me here.


So we will see what happens at the meeting. I hope that there is interest in getting a club up and running.


Thanks for listening.


Smiles smile.gif




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I hope you can get a club going.... Are you going to be the social director?( like Julie from The Love Boat)


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Lucky you! Just have to walk next door. I plan everything and then some stupid job comrs along that I can't resist. Our Nov. meeting here should be great and I'll miss most and get there to say goodbye to everyone.


I hope you get people to come. I know that there are 80 patients roughly every 2 weeks. True not all stroke patients but in the 2-1/2 years, only a handful have come to stroke support or even to the reunion party (which is a lovely yearly event) I can't understand it. Perhaps when I hear what your group has decided to do to get people interested, we can do the same. My original room-mate never came to anything - of course she was an odd person. She was supposed to live just a few blocks from the hospital, so it wasn't distance. We both left approximately the same time (she was supposed to leave a day earlier but saw her in the gym the next day with all the special equiptment she could get) and she was walking up and down the hospital stairs with a cane. I was still in a wheelchair and went on to step-down ---not sure she did. So, it also that she was able to make it, and she had a husband who could drive her if she never drove.


It could be that people who aren't doing well at the moment, don't want to attend - that psychologically for them it's depressing.


Anyway, maybe some of these thoughts will get you thinking of ways your group can avoid this. I'm anxiously awaiting hearing about your experience.

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good luck in starting your group, for me my strokenet is only group,I wish I cou;d meet people, bu can't drive yet so oh well, good luck




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That would be great to have a support group in your area.

Otawa Survivors opens meeting to everyone,caregivers and survivors.

We have a few who have relatives far away who have stroked and they attend to

find out info how to cope and available services.

I have found that I am able to help out others just by attending the meetings.

Good Luck


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Hi Phil, Asha and Lorraine


Thanks for your comments. I will try to remember all the questions to ask.


Guess I will just have to make a list eh.


Lori said that the meetings in other parts of the Island had been successful so we shall see how it goes here.


thanks and smiles smile.gif

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