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tis da season



tis the season for joy and happiness it doesnt matter your situation

make the best of what you still have now ok it could be alot worse

even though im broke im still looking foward to the holiday

im all in the spirit myself as well as my gf and her son

im gonna do the cooking this year for our little family here this year myself

even before my stroke i didnt do that

but its somin i wanna do

baked ham,

homemade mmashed taters

corn, lima beans,

mac n cheese


a fest it is

and ill probably bake a cake and cookies to

its getting close to my 3 year mark coming febuary 11th it will b 3 years since my stroke

im still getting better i have the attitude

life is wat u make of it

so pick up dat head put on a smile and have some fun ok



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You've got the right attitude. Last year I was in a real funk and wouldn't bring a single Christmas decoration up from the basement. This year we've had so many improvements, I'm ready to celebrate the birthday of the one who helped to make it all possible. I might even bake him a birthday cake.




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I also admire your attitude towards life all looking forward to, holiday meals and everything, good luck buddy ur breezie is 1 lucky lady



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