Tutoring volunteer update
My kiddos that I volunteer at the neighborhood school have leaped and bounded on test scores, since I have started with them, this year.
Wait now.... It is not all me, but a whole team of us, helping them.
I feel important to know, that I can still be of use to society, unlike my doctor Kavorkian (sp?) How he said in other words,
"Stroke leaves a person a waste to society, no getting better, give up on recovery, ect." He didn't say it so bluntly but, those are the words I heard.
I am a happy volunteer!!(None of the kiddos have asked me 'what happened')
Funny, b/c in the past kids used to always ask me about my brown dots on my arms/legs, (my freckles) but not one has asked why one side of my body doesn't work. I have gotten asked to tie a lot of shoes, so I say,"You know what, I can't tie shoes good, b/c I have a silly hand who doesn't want to act right! I 'm sorry:(
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