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Tutoring volunteer update



My kiddos that I volunteer at the neighborhood school have leaped and bounded on test scores, since I have started with them, this year.

Wait now.... It is not all me, but a whole team of us, helping them.


I feel important to know, that I can still be of use to society, unlike my doctor Kavorkian (sp?) How he said in other words,


"Stroke leaves a person a waste to society, no getting better, give up on recovery, ect." He didn't say it so bluntly but, those are the words I heard.


I am a happy volunteer!!(None of the kiddos have asked me 'what happened')


Funny, b/c in the past kids used to always ask me about my brown dots on my arms/legs, (my freckles) but not one has asked why one side of my body doesn't work. I have gotten asked to tie a lot of shoes, so I say,"You know what, I can't tie shoes good, b/c I have a silly hand who doesn't want to act right! nono.gif I 'm sorry:(

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hey Amy:


your blog and attitude towards life always makes me feel warm inside, you know what your tutoring and volunteering will go long way. you are actually making positive difference in kids lives, and setting real great example. maybe I should do something similar in my kido's school, but I don't know where to begin and whom to ask.



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