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I have high cholesterol



I went to the doctor last week to get my cholesterol checked, since everybody in my family is saying their score. Hubby got his checked, it was a little high. My SIL who is Mrs. Fitness got hers checked and it was high also. I was left to ponder,"What is my level then?" It was 25 points up from where it was 2 years ago, and I didn't know it was borderline high then. The doctor doesn't think I need to be on Rx Meds, but we are just going to monitor it yearly. I think I am going to go back to my vegetarian ways of eating again. I used to be a vegetarian for 8+ years, in high school and college. I liked eating that way, and stayed lean doing it too. The doctor gave me a low cholesterol diet to follow. I could feel my OCD kick in when I got the news. (About following the diet strictly.)

I would of never have known my score, if I didn't ask for it. You really have to put your health care in your own hands, don't you?



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Just maybe, when a person has a stroke, the first diagnoses by the ER docs, in most cases is high cholesterol, followed by high BP. Then stress becomes a factor. All 3 was my diagnoses, and I never, that I know of, had high BP or was under any stress. I had taken meds for cholesterol and was determined to be ok.


So now, I tell those who ask me what happen, that it was a stroke caused by high cholesterol and BP. I still feel stress is not a factor for me. I don't get upset or excited about a damm thing, especially money, bills, relationships or what I can or can not do by myself or for myself.


Now you know to keep it in check along with your BP.

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My blood clot was caused from a conginetal cleft mitral valve. I personally feel that stress was a part of it too. I wasn't taking care of myself and slipped back to some old vices. Thanks for the reminder about BP. I get mine checked weekly with my Coumadin level. It has been fine. I was so stressed out when I had my stroke, (I was stressed about being in Graduate school and working full-time), and a bad grade I got on a test. I was actually releived in ICU when my family told me I couldn't do Graduate school anymore.


*I was toying with the idea of quitting Grad school, but didn't want to look like a quitter, and I had taken out lots of $$ loans to pay 4 it. Stroke was an easy out, and good way to get reinbursed for the loan, since my stroke was only month 2 of Graduate school.


Sorry didn't mean to write a book:)


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